Tatooine Dynamic Encounters

By Laashka

SWTOR Tatooine Dynamic Encounters Achievements

Game update 7.6.1 added several new achievements to the Tatooine Dynamic Encounters achievement sections that are less straight forward than the original achievements added to the game. This guide focuses on those achievements.


Dune Sea

Mos Ila



Frostbite Champion

Encounter: Imperial Attack: Anchorhead (Republic Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Cryo Grenade on 25 Imperial Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement.

Voltage Vanguard

Encounter: Imperial Attack: Anchorhead (Republic Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Electro-stun Grenade on 25 Imperial Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement.

Scorched Earth

Encounter: Imperial Attack: Anchorhead (Republic Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Pyro Grenade on 25 Imperial Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement.

Explosive Mastermind

Encounter: Imperial Attack: Anchorhead (Republic Only)

Complete the following achievements to receive credit for this achievement:

·        Frostbite Champion

·        Scorched Earth

·        Voltage Vanguard


Encounter: Road Gig: The Comeback (Republic Only)

Jump up on the stage and the bouncer will pull you.

Wranglin’ Pro

Encounter: Spaceport Chaos (Republic Only)

Grab the bantha wrangler item from the blue crates in the back of the room. Stand next to the Bantha Cage and quickly target 3 calves next to each other, then turn them in once you have three rounded up.


Encounter: Road Gig: The Sophomore Album (Republic Only)

Note: I am not 100% sure what I did to get this achievement, so hopefully this info is helpful.

I clicked 3 Power Sources, and the instance was busy, so I didn’t get to click another one until after the “Charging Up” buff wore off of my bar, then I started clicking Power Sources again. Once the battery was all the way charged, I received the achievement as the Encounter objective changed to “Power Up the Ad Gronk”. So, I’m assuming that allowing the buff to wear up lets you get extra charges.

Dune Sea

Natural Causes

Encounter: Ancient Womp Rat (Empire/Republic)

When you attack the Womp Rat, it will get a “Senescent” debuff. Just wait the debuff out (3.5 minutes) and when the debuff expires it will kill the Womp Rat. It will be easiest to do this on a lower populated instance so someone else does it kill it before the debuff expires.

Hungry Little Guys

Encounter: Brooding Season (Empire/Republic)

To complete this achievement, you’ll need to loot Carrion Chunks from a Decaying Dewback Corpse. I found one twice at -2118, -359 (North of the Encounter area). Then, go to the Brooding Season Encounter area, and target the yellow Sand Wormlings. Interact with one using the Carrion Chunks in your inventory to progress the achievement. If you attack the worms so they come to you, then use the item that seemed to work best to keep them from moving around.

Bots Rush

Encounter: Czerka Sabotage + List above in achievement image (Empire/Republic)

You can only make progress on this achievement when the Czerka Sabotage Encounter is active AND one of the enemies on the achievement list is active. Before you head to the location of the enemy, you’ll need to pick up an Unstable Czerka Droid Follower from the Czerka Sabotage Encounter.

After you pick up the droid, travel to the enemy and defeat it while the Czerka Droid is active.

Fangle Friend

Encounter: The Scavenger’s Tale, Another Scavenger’s Tale, The Last Scavenger’s Tale (Empire/Republic)

Pet Fangle during each Encounter. When you stand in the right spot near him, you’ll get a temporary ability to pet him. You can find him among the group of Jawas in each area.

Lizardly Wrath

Encounter: Surly Dunerill (Empire/Republic)

Directly West of Outpost Zaroshe there is a group of Snippy Dunerill Hatchlings behind a rock outcropping. Kill them to get the “Malodorous” debuff. Then, attack the Surley Dunerill. He will get an Enraged buff, and when you defeat him you’ll get the achievement.

OK, You Should Have Expected This

Encounter: Sarlacc Snacktime (Empire/Republic)

Jump into the Sarlacc Pit while the Encounter is active.

Free Samples

Encounter: Sarlacc Snacktime (Empire/Republic)

Using the Repulsor Gun you pick up from the blue crates during the Encounter, target Gamorreans and send 15 of them into the Sarlacc Pit.

Hunger Buster (Hidden)

Encounter: Sarlacc Snacktime (Empire/Republic)

Using the Repulsor Gun you pick up from the blue crates during the Encounter, target Gamorreans and send 30 of them into the Sarlacc Pit.

Meals With Squeals (Hidden)

Encounter: Sarlacc Snacktime (Empire/Republic)

Using the Repulsor Gun you pick up from the blue crates during the Encounter, target Gamorreans and send 75 of them into the Sarlacc Pit.

Mos Ila

Freeze Frame

Encounter: Republic Attack: Mos Ila (Empire Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Cryo Grenade on 25 Republic Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement

High Voltage Hero

Encounter: Republic Attack: Mos Ila (Empire Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Electro-stun Grenade on 25 Republic Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement

The Heat of Battle

Encounter: Republic Attack: Mos Ila (Empire Only)

Grab the Pyro Grenade, Cryo Grenade, and Electro-stun Grenade from the blue crates in the Encounter area. Use the Pyro Grenade on 25 Republic Soldiers while the Encounter is active to complete this achievement

Grenade Enthusiast

Encounter: Republic Attack: Mos Ila (Empire Only)

Complete the following achievements to receive credit for this achievement:

·        Freeze Frame

·        High Voltage Hero

·        The Heat of Battle

Thorough Experimentation

Encounter: In Search of a Problem (Empire Only)

There are three temporary items that you pick up and use on the Banthas, each of which will do one of two effects when used on a Bantha.

Watch Your Step!

Encounter: A Worse Exchange (Empire Only)

After you’ve clicked on the console to control the Mouse Droid, target another player and then use the “Honk” ability. You can honk at the same player more than once, but there is a cooldown. You can also honk at players that are controlling another Mouse Droid.


Encounter: A Catastrophic Exchange (Empire Only)

Complete the first step of the Encounter by collecting the weapons from the crate. Then, use all three weapons on the same enemy.


The Reckoner

Encounter: Raider’s Reckoning (Empire/Republic)

While on the Encounter, click on 50 blue Cages. You’ll only be able to click on 8 for each Encounter completion.

Bad For Business

Encounter: Mandalorian Menace (Empire/Republic)

Defeat each of the enemies listed in the achievement image above while the Encounter is active. These enemies randomly spawn as the two Elite enemies toward the North end of the building in this area. They respawn fairly quickly, and you can also swap instance to complete this achievement quickly.