New Tank Implant Choices

7.2 brought some nice backgroup changes to tanks, largely improving their threat generation.  One small addition that I did not see in any patch notes, was the addition of new legendary implant options.  The below are all packages that existed in 6.x.  All are usable by any of the tank classes and do not require a specific class to use.  In my opinon, they are still terrible options.  Stats in general just need to be seperate from our choice of legendary implants.  There are better dps legendary's that better support tank classes, but at the cost of us losing an undesirable amount of stats.

The final Breath package is a hard sell.  We have to be below 50% to get any real benefit.

The guardian - I would consider replacing the force resistance package over the retailator package.  The increased DR is better than the force resistance package even if it is only sub 50% HP.

The Shadow - any fight I do not need ballast point (just about every fight) this is clearly more useful.

The Vanguard - Squad Leader, maybe, it is a harder sell for the vanguard.

The Stationary Grit Package is interesting.  From a tank stand point we can gain a perminant 10% increase to our armor as long as we keep moving.  In my mind thats just jittering side to side ever so slightly constantly during a boss fight.  Annoying to have to do, but perhaps worth it if damage taken is an issue.

The Guardian - without testing, it sounds better than the force resistance package.

The Shadow - it is hands down better than the ballast point option in 99% of fights.  Ballast point is just worthless.

The Vanguard - again, squad leader as a maybe.  It would really depend on how much I knew I could keep up some form of movement.  Armor is a big stat for Vanguards.

The Trishin's Resort Package, this one offers 0 utility in decreasing the damage we are taking.  Rather it focuses on increasing our damage output.

Vanguards shield the most out of the three specs, it could be an interesting choice to replace squad leader for a net dps increase.

I do not think I would recommend it for the other 2 specs as the above 2 options would offere better substitutes.

So are these better than the default ones we had to pick at the start of 7.0.  As far as shadow's go, yes, ballast point offers little utility and zero defensive benefit.  Shadow's have the weakest armor of the 3 specs.  A 10% increase to light armor may see us less squishy, as long as we can keep up movement for the buff.  I may replace my guardian's force resistance package with the Final Breath, I think overall it may prove more useful, but it really depends on the healers.  The vanguard is a maybe for trishin's resort, or stationary grit.  They both could offer an alternative to squad leaders.